Olival da Risca Antique Olive Oil (100ml) - Fábrica do Azeite

Olival da Risca Antique Olive Oil (100ml)

Olival da Risca Antique Olive Oil (100ml)


This Olive Oil is obtained from olive trees aged between 200 and 800 years, of the Galega Grada de Serpa and Gamenha varieties.

Production is therefore limited to 4,000 bottles per year.

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SKU: AZ0095 Category:


Risca Grande has around 35,000 olive trees up to 800 years old. The olive groves focus on varieties of Portuguese olives such as: Cobrançosa, Galega Vulgar, Cordovil, Galega Grada de Serpa, Gamenha, Verdeal, Carrasquenha and Mançanilha.